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     Detective Techniques and Methods

     Some of the skills needed by detectives:

     Memory ability, even at a glance.  This is useful, among other things, when we encounter hit-and-run cases, and the vehicle registration number becomes an important fact.  It is also accompanied by the ability to recall old memories.

     Foresight and attention to detail.  Sherlock Holmes is an 'expert' in detail and precision – with a note, if Holmes is a real person.  In every problem solving, Sherlock Holmes always makes observations—direct observations in the field.

     Ability to interrogate.  The higher the interrogation ability a person has, the easier it will be to pry facts, false 'facts', or statements from someone—without that person knowing it.  This ability also goes hand in hand with the ability to use reverse proof techniques in interrogating someone.  "Be good at provoking questions with the wrong facts, then he will give the real facts."  It doesn't always work, but you can try.

     Negotiation ability.  This is still related to the ability to interrogate.  The ability to negotiate is very important, in practice in the field, where it takes courage to break through someone's ice, face stubborn people, and so on.

     Knowledge of applicable laws and regulations.

     Analyzing ability.  This is important to test the truth of facts—either material facts or verbal facts.  Good detectives never depart from the point of motive;  always have to be from the facts.  Sherlock Holmes teaches us how the scientific method (the scientific method, the method of elimination or exclusion, narrows the search, and makes it easier to solve problems).  It's confusing, is Holmes a 'scientist who strays to be a detective', or a 'detective with a scientist side'?  In one of his stories, Holmes wrote an article about plants or medicine in a journal.  With a very logical mind, Holmes can be called a mathematician.  With his experiments in the laboratory, Holmes can also be called a physicist or chemist.  Some of his inventions were used by the Scotland Yard police.

     The method of elimination or exclusion, means by getting rid of things that are definitely impossible—after being tested with facts and observations.  To improve analytical skills, there is a lot to learn—not just methods of deduction, induction, or a combination of the two.  There is also an analysis method with Cartesian analysis and so on.  These things can be learned from the internet or existing books.

     Other important skills include disguise techniques, following/following someone, tracking/tracking techniques, as well as simple forensic knowledge in criminal cases.  Examples of simple forensic knowledge;  someone who is found dead with a blue neck, is confirmed to have died from suffocation.  Then the Cryptograph technique and code breaker, an example of a simple code breaker: Caesar Cipher or Caesar cipher in cryptography Caesar cipher is one of the simplest and most famous encryption techniques, this password includes a substitution cipher where plain text letters are replaced by other letters that  have different positions in the alphabet.  For example, if you use shift 3, W  will become Z, I  will be L, and K  will be N so the light text “wiki” will become “ZLNL” in the encoded text.  The name Caesar is taken from Julius Caesar, the Roman general, consul, and dictator who used this code to communicate with his commanders.

     The encryption step by the Caesar cipher is often part of more complex ciphers, such as the Vigenère cipher, and still has modern applications on ROT13 systems.  Today, as with other single-alphabet substitution ciphers, the Caesar cipher can be easily cracked and provides practically no confidentiality to the wearer.

     How this cipher works can be illustrated by lining up two sets of alphabets;  The cipher alphabet is arranged by shifting the regular alphabet to the right or left by a certain number (this number is called a key.) For example, Caesar's cipher with the key of 3 is as follows:



     To encode a message, simply search for each letter you want to encode in the regular alphabet, then write the corresponding letter in the cipher alphabet.  To crack the password use the reverse method.  An example of encoding a message is as follows.

     light text: send troops to the left flank

     encoded text: NLULP SDVXNDQ NH VDBDS NLUL

     There is also an Anagram, Anagram is a type of word game, where the letters in the initial word are usually scrambled to form another word or a sentence.  But it can also be used as a secret code by randomizing the words without adding and subtracting them.

     Example: TOM MARVOLO RIDDLE can change to IM LORD VOLDEMORT (in the Harry Potter movie)

     There are many more examples of other codes, we can also make our own codes in our own way, we just need to be smart in understanding passwords and codes, so that a new code can be created with a more complicated, more difficult and more interesting method of solving  .  Like the example case below

     Sherlock Holmes deductive theory

     The use of Sherlock Holmes' theory in each of his stories is very well applied in the real world.

     Inductive reasoning is reasoning that takes specific examples and then draws more general conclusions.  This reasoning makes it easy to map a problem so that it can be used in other similar problems.  Note the way this inductive reasoning works is, although the premises raised are true and the way the conclusions are drawn are valid, the conclusions are not necessarily true.  But that conclusion has a chance of being correct.

     Examples of inductive reasoning are:

     Sheep have eyes.  Buffalo have eyes.  Deer have eyes.

     Conclusion: every animal has eyes.

     Inductive reasoning requires a large number of samples to increase the level of accuracy of the premises raised.  For this reason, inductive reasoning is closely related to data collection and statistics.

     While deductive reasoning is drawing specific conclusions from more general premises.

     If the premise is true and the conclusion is valid, then the conclusion is true.  If inductive reasoning is closely related to statistics, then deductive reasoning is closely related to mathematics, especially mathematical logic and set and number theory.

     Examples of deductive reasoning are:

     All animals have eyes.  Chickens are animals.

     Conclusion: Chickens have eyes.

     For the application of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle to Sherlock Holmes as in the following illustration:

     Sherlock Holmes meets his client who asks him to investigate a case.  Holmes can tell who the person in front of him is just by looking at his physical appearance.  Holmes can find out his client's profession and past by looking at the scratches on his client's hands, the shoes he wears, or from the ashes of cigarettes, etc.

     To be able to do this technique, it takes very broad knowledge, up-to-date information, because everyone has different characteristics and backgrounds.  Therefore, you should also read the latest news or information through internet news media, newspapers, etc.

     Social Engineering by Kevin Mitnick

     This technique was popularized by Kevin David Mitnick, a legendary hacker who is very familiar with computer and network security systems who used to be a fugitive from the FBI.

     Kevin has also released 2 books about hacking that catapulted this Social Engineering technique.

     Social Engineering is the acquisition of confidential/sensitive information or information by deceiving the owner of the information.  Social engineering concentrates itself on the weakest chain of computer network systems, namely humans.

     - Social Engineering by making phone calls

     The most common is this method.  By doing a few tricks, an experienced attacker will be able to make the employee who receives the call say the username or password or other information needed by the attacker.

     Usually, employees who work on the front line, such as the information department or customer service, will be contacted because apart from that they are trained to always be friendly and provide information to callers.  They will always try to provide the information requested by the caller as quickly as possible so that they can immediately receive the next caller without having time to think about what the caller can do with the information they have provided.  From them, the attacker usually gets the information he wants easily.

     You can also directly call the admin.  For example, after an attacker learns of a target company, he will call the admin by claiming to be an employee at the company.  Because he had studied, he could have claimed to be employee A who occupied the office space next to B in the order of table X. After feeling that the admin could be tricked, he would say, "My little notebook containing password notes was left on the desk so I couldn't read it."  finish my work from home.  Can you get it for me?”  An admin is certainly too busy to be able to retrieve someone's notebook, and since he is sure that the caller is working there, he can simply open the database and give the password to the caller.

     - Dumpster Diving

     Dumpster diving, also known as trashing, is another popular method in which the attacker collects information by examining the target company's trash. The phone book will provide instructions on the names and numbers of people who can be contacted, the calendar shows which workers will be out of town at any given time.  , daily work records can be studied to look for weaknesses, etc.

     - Internet connection

     When a worker is connecting to the Internet, suddenly a pop-up window appears saying that the connection has been lost and for that he must re-enter his username and password.  Without suspecting the worker was going to do it and it was easy for the attacker to get information.

     A mistake that is often made is that people tend to use the same password for various services they have, for example for e-mail, messenger, ATM, etc.  Sending e-mail is also often done because e-mail can carry various viruses and trojans.

     In essence, with the provision of knowledge and understanding of network security that is lacking, humans as users can perform various actions that endanger network security and indirectly help attackers to infiltrate into it.

     - Psychological Approach

     In addition to the methods above, an attacker can use psychological measures to obtain information, namely by holding an emotional bond in order to gain trust.  Slowly but surely, once he gains trust every secret will be in his hands.

     Important points in a murder case- Find the weapon used by the perpetrator.
     - Checking the alibis of each person involved, >>> the perpetrator uses the backstage so that there is no chance of him being declared a murderer, usually the person with the weakest alibi, or who doesn't have an alibi of the perpetrator, but be careful of the scenarios of the perpetrators who sometimes actually  trap others.
     - Check the scene, carefully examine the entire crime scene, even for things that people think are not important, and don't forget to check the trash cans that are within the reach of the scene
     - Trace the characteristics of the perpetrator, be careful of the identity of the perpetrator, for example: it is possible that the perpetrator makes himself look like a man even though he is a woman (e.g. joking on the phone).

     It is also a good idea to read quotes from Sherlock Holmes

     Quotes from Sherlock Holmes

     Sherlock Holmes said that:

     1. If you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however impossible, is the truth.
     {The basic principles of Sherlock Holmes, most mentioned in The Sign of Four__Empat Treasure Hunters}

     2. The human brain is like a small attic.  You can store your furniture there, as you choose.  An ignorant person will inevitably include every piece of furniture that comes along so that useful knowledge is jostled with other information.  Or they mix things up so it's really hard to get one when needed.  A skilled worker, must be very careful to put things in the attic of his mind.  He will only keep things that can help his work.  However, the items were stored in various quantities and kinds and all of them were well organized.
     {A Study in Scarlet__Pelusuran Yarn Merah}

     3. Don't let new knowledge get rid of other knowledge that is useful to you.
     (A Study in Scarlet__Pelusuran Yarn Merah}

     4. The most important thing for a detective is the ability to know which facts are mere coincidences, and which are very useful.  If you are unable to do so, your energy and attention will become chaotic rather than concentrated.
     {Memoirs of Sherlock Holmes: Landlords in Reigate}

     5. It is a big mistake to build a theory before getting the full facts.
     {The Return of Sherlock Holmes: The Tale of the Second Stain}

     6. Of all the facts presented to us, we must take only the most important and analyze them to reconstruct the chain of events.
     (Memoirs of Sherlock Holmes: Naval Documents}

     7. Everyone should always be open to other possibilities and not close them.
     {The Return of Sherlock Holmes: Peter the Black}

     8. Sometimes trivial actions can have significant meaning, or vice versa, extraordinary behavior turns out to be only related to hairpins or insoles.
     {The Return of Sherlock Holmes: The Tale of the Second Stain}

     9. Don't ignore an opportunity even if it seems very small.
     {A Study in Scarlet__Pelusuran Yarn Merah}

     10. It is the very simple things that are often overlooked.
     {The Sign of Four__Empat Treasure Hunters}

     11. If a fact contradicts a series of deductions, then it can actually produce a new interpretation.
     {A Study in Scarlet__Pelusuran Yarn Merah}

     12. The most difficult crimes to trace are crimes that have no meaning.
     {Memoirs of Sherlock Holmes: Naval Documents}

     13. Someone who is a genius must have unlimited business capacity.
     {A Study in Scarlet__Pelusuran Yarn Merah}

     14. Complexity is usually a product of higher education.
     {The Sign of Four__Empat Treasure Hunters}

     15. Never let them assume that the information they provide is important to you.  If they thought so, they would instantly shut their mouths tight as oysters.
     {The Sign of Four__Empat Treasure Hunters}

     16. Everyone keeps secrets within themselves.  We will not realize it if we just look at their outward appearance.
     {The Sign of Four__Empat Treasure Hunters}

     17. Although an individual is an unsolvable puzzle, in the aggregate he becomes a mathematical certainty.
     {The Sign of Four__Empat Treasure Hunters}

     18. The more gruesome a case is, the more thoroughly we must investigate it.  What makes it complicated is when we have to consider scientific or superstitious thoughts.
     {The Hound of The Baskerville__The Curse of the Baskerville Family}

     19. Like other arts, the science of deduction and analysis can only be obtained by studying them over a long period of time and patiently, not because of a long human life so that he can get the possibility of achieving the highest quality.
     {A Study in Scarlet__Pelusuran Yarn Merah}

     20. Detection is, or should be, an exact science, and should be treated with a cold and unemotional attitude.
     {The Sign of Four__Empat Treasure Hunters}

     21. It is very important not to let your judgment be confounded by personal qualities.  Emotional qualities are a barrier for us to think clearly.
     {The Sign of Four__Empat Treasure Hunters}

     22. Love is an emotional thing, and anything emotional is contrary to the true explanation that I place above all else.
     {The Sign of Four__Empat Treasure Hunters}

     23. Some facts should be suppressed, or, at the very least, should be more proportionate in their presentation.  The only issue worth mentioning from the case is simply the analytical thinking from effect to cause.
     {The Sign of Four__Empat Treasure Hunters}

     24. The ultimate proof of man's true greatness is the perception of his own smallness.
     {The Sign of Four__Empat Treasure Hunters}

     25. *The world is full of obvious things, which people never observe by chance, and strangely enough, few people want to observe them.

     26. *People of average ability do not know what is higher than themselves.  However, talented people can always realize a genius.

     27. *Everyone looks, but doesn't pay attention.  That was the difference between an ordinary person and a talented person.

     How to Become a Detective?

     how to Become a Detective?
     "How to be a detective?"  That's a question that haunted my mind as a child.  In the past, I aspired to be a detective.  This intention arose when I was in junior high school reading four volumes of the adventure story of Sherlock Holmes, by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle.  Until now, these two names I really respect.

     Becoming a detective, or rather, learning detective skills, can be done by anyone, regardless of age.  This detective knowledge or expertise will even be very useful, to help our work.  A job as a lawyer, auditor or journalist!  Or anything, including housewives.  One day we want to know whether our pile of letters on the table was moved or not;  whether our closet is opened by someone else secretly;  whether our children are lying or not, even prying into other people's information without that person knowing it.

     A person's detective skills, will increase with experience solving problems.  The technology is getting better and better, and anyone with a strong interest in detective matters is constantly looking for new techniques, new methods, better and faster.

     Detective skills, for example, include:

     - Memory ability, even at a glance.  This is useful, among other things, when we encounter hit-and-run cases, and the vehicle registration number becomes an important fact.  It is also accompanied by the ability to recall old memories;

     - Foresight and careful attention to details.  Sherlock Holmes is an 'expert' in detail and precision---with a note, if Holmes is a real person.  (But I believe Holmes is real!).  In every problem solving, Sherlock Holmes always makes observations---direct observations in the field.  Another example, in the case of the Mute Witness, Hercule Poirot was almost at a dead end in dealing with his case.  It was only after he reviewed it, and remembered the details, that he managed to find the killer.  For those who want to know what the details are, please read the book.  The keywords are dog and ball.

     - Ability to interrogate.  The higher one's interrogation ability, the easier it will be to pry facts, false 'facts', or statements from someone---without that person knowing it.  This ability also goes hand in hand with the ability to use reverse proof techniques in interrogating someone.  "Be good at provoking questions with the wrong facts, then he will give the real facts."  It doesn't always work, but you can try.

     - Negotiation skills.  This is still related to the ability to interrogate.  The ability to negotiate is very important, in practice in the field, where it takes courage to break through someone's ice, face stubborn people, and so on.

     - Knowledge of applicable laws and regulations.

     - Ability to analyze.  This is important to test the truth of facts---either material facts or verbal facts.  Good detectives never depart from the point of motive;  always have to be from the facts.  Sherlock Holmes teaches us how the scientific method (the scientific method, the method of elimination or exclusion, narrows the search, and makes it easier to solve problems. It is confusing, whether Holmes is a 'scientist who strays into a detective', or a 'detective with a scientist side'? In one story,  Holmes wrote an article about plants or medicine in a journal. With a very logical mind, Holmes could be called a mathematician. With his experiments in the laboratory, Holmes could also be called a physicist or chemist. There are inventions that are used by the Scotland Yard police.

     Elimination or exclusion method, meaning by getting rid of things that are definitely impossible---after being tested with facts and observations.  Hercule Poiro teaches us how to solve problems by the method of deductive inference.  To improve analytical skills, there is a lot to learn---not just methods of deduction, induction, or a combination of the two.  There is also an analytical method introduced by Rene Descartes, known as Cartesian Analysis, and so on.  You can learn it from the internet or existing books.

     - Other important skills, including disguise techniques, following/following someone, tracking/tracking techniques, as well as simple forensic knowledge in criminal cases.  Examples of simple forensic knowledge;  someone who is found dead with a blue neck, is confirmed to have died from suffocation.

     Type detective

     Type Detective :
     1. Fact-based Detective
     detective who works based on facts and evidence using a systematic method, not influenced by feelings or opinions related to emotions.  This technique can be applied to any case without exception.

     = Tends to quickly gather information

     = Just a little late, the evidence is lost

     Fictional Version : Sherlock Holmes, Nero Wolfie

     2. Psychological Detective
     detectives who work based on the story or the psyche of the person involved in the case, evidence and facts are only as a complement to determine the truth of the conclusions obtained from the story / psychological signs, (although, psychologically - psychologically - the person is the perpetrator, without any evidence can not  resulting in the person languishing in a cell).

     = Can reveal hidden cases in the past, because it is based on memory.

     = Sometimes the conclusion from the psychology is not accompanied by supporting evidence.

     Fictional Version : Hercule Poirot, Dr.  Laszlo Kreizler

     3. Mixed Detective
     detective who uses the above 2 methods in a balanced way.

     = Proportional

     = If you are not careful, you can mix up the two methods above.

     4. Non categorized
     a detective whose job is only as an 'information seeker', is categorized as this one.
     usually work:
     1. Checking infidelity
     2. Checking someone's life
     3. Keep track of something.

     How a detective works:
     1. Independent = work alone personally
     2. Together with Legal Agencies = work for rent / in tandem with the authorized institutions

     Equipment that at least must be brought / owned by a detective:

     Fact-Based Type:
     1. Notes & Pencils/Pens
     2. A tool bag containing more or less the following:
     - rubber gloves
     - tweezers
     - magnifying glass
     - measuring tape
     - small plastic (to secure evidence, if you work independently)
     - fingerprint detector (optional, not necessary, because it can be done by the authorities)

     Psychological Type:
     1. Notes & Pencils/Pens
     2. Recorder, to record stories

     all items listed above.

     Main Motto : ~ " The Impossible, The Impossible and the True " ~

     Tips & What to do in an Interview:
     - Try to make the client as comfortable as possible so that he can fully trust us.
     - If he had trusted us, he would have dealt with us like friends not as detectives.
     - client trust is the beginning of honest client talk.
     - Ask things that are important & detailed.
     - if we miss 1 detail, it could be an error in deduction / imagination.

     [b]Minimum things that a detective must have:[/b]
     1. Reading the situation
     2. Reading body language
     3. Identify several types of objects with a brief observation
     4. High concentration & good & healthy
     5. Trustworthy
     6. Can remember details (this can be helped with notes)
     7. Identify the code (code breaking, solving)

     detective notes

     Detective Records
     Taken from various quotes,...

     If you have difficulty, try to look up, and look down, side to side, so that what is not seen, will become visible (observe the environment, not just think silently).

     The most common case, the most mysterious case, because it mixes strangeness and mystery, sometimes the evidence is ignored, and prefers to use human instinct....

     If the detective gives up the case will end up dead, and the one who laughs at the end is the criminal...

     The detective works according to his imagination, then puts it into practice (looking for evidence and so on)....

     When you've eliminated the choices that can't be true, whatever is left, that's right.

     The question that is answered by the question is what is called a mystery.

     Important points in the murder case
     - Looking for the weapon used by the perpetrator....
     - Checking the alibis of each person involved, >>> the perpetrator uses a backstage so that there is no chance of him being declared a murderer, usually the person with the weakest alibi, or who doesn't have an alibi of the perpetrator, but be careful of the scenario of the perpetrator, who sometimes  trap others....
     - Checking the scene, carefully examining the entire crime scene, even for things that people consider unimportant, and don't forget to check the trash cans that are within reach of the crime scene....
     - Trace the characteristics of the perpetrator, be careful of disguises of the perpetrator's identity, for example: it is possible that the perpetrator makes himself look like a man even though he is a woman (e.g. chattering on the phone)...

     Evidence is a silent witness.  That's what investigators believe.  Therefore, evidence should be treated with caution.  Once evidence is lost or damaged, the case can fall apart.  Without evidence, no criminals can be brought to justice.  The science of tracking evidence has been developed since 1880, simplified in 1900, and continues to be refined through computerization and DNA research.  Who can silence a silent witness?

     Please add more, hehe, it's good for reference knowledge about detectives, right...
     others, please share your knowledge and knowledge about detectives here too... :loveindonesia:

     Source: from here

     Tips to Become a Detective

     Now I want to share my thoughts, but the results of these thoughts may still have many shortcomings and are not necessarily true.....

     Tips for being a detective, it turns out that to investigate a case a detective will hold on to a method of investigation that may not be much different from the scientific method in research.

     Stage 1:
     Formulating the problem, first of all, we must know the case and the complete details of the incident if it is necessary to observe the victim and the victim's house directly.....

     Stage 2:
     Gathering information gathering the possibilities that will happen in the case while keeping a close eye on new information about the case...

     Stage 3:
     Making a hypothesis after various information and possibilities have been deemed sufficient, we must relate the existing information to the possibilities and make an assumption that is considered complete.
     Stage 4:
     Looking for evidence looking for evidence is the most important thing,(continued)

     Source: from here

     How to Become a Detective?

     How to Become a Detective?

     "How to be a detective?"  That's a question that haunted my mind as a child.  In the past, I aspired to be a detective.  This intention arose when I was in junior high school reading four volumes of the adventure story of Sherlock Holmes, by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle.  Until now, these two names I really respect.

     During high school, my love for detectives grew.  After that, various detective stories, I collect.  Besides Sherlock Holmes, Belgian detective Hercule Poirot became the second idol.  I always chase Poirot wherever he appears in Agatha Christie's story---I don't really like Miss Marple.  I also pursued several Sidney Sheldon novels, to detective short stories from Edgar Allan Poe.

     Many things I learned---though not as good as me---from the experience, techniques, and detective skills of the novels.  Starting from the scientific and logical methods that are the mainstay of Holmes, Poirot's constructive and deductive thinking, to the forensic details that often appear in Sidney Sheldon's mystery novels.

     Does being a detective always have to be included in the police institution?  Not always.  With a note, you become a detective as a hobby and not a job.  Detecting as a hobby will always be fun, where we can use detective skills and expertise in everyday life.

     If we want to make private detective a job, in Indonesia it is still difficult to do.  Why?  Private detective work---until I wrote this writing---is still a 'side job' from the police.  That's what I know, when I asked a police chief at a resort in Jakarta.  There are police who work odd jobs, receive orders from someone to track someone, or prove their wife/husband is cheating or not, and so on.

     I also had a conversation with a police officer from the National Police Headquarters.  He said, in Indonesia, the profession of private detective is not possible, and should not be done, because there are no rules that allow it.  Although, the thought of opening a private detective license was once initiated by high-ranking police officers, as is the case in the United States.  However, they face regulatory problems later.  "How to control private detectives, if it's still difficult to control the police in Indonesia?"  so the answer.


     What is a detective?  In my understanding---maybe not exactly correct---a detective is the work of solving a case or problem that has not been revealed, using a systematic and planned method, basing on the existing evidence, and assembling it into a whole, and accountable fact.  .  If we manage to find the answer to the problem/case by accident, and we can't argue with it, then it's hard to say it is the result of detective work.

     When we did a math problem in school, where there was a fact, and we were asked to find the answer, it was a simple example of solving something with the principles of a detective.  We must test, use the scientific method, and the results can be retested, and accounted for.  If we answer a math problem just write the answer --- from a friend's cheat sheet --- but we can't prove where the answer came from, then it's not work with detective principles.  Like a detective who immediately points to a suspect as the perpetrator;  then he could be fired from his job, and could even be sued back!


     Becoming a detective, or rather, learning detective skills, can be done by anyone, regardless of age.  This detective knowledge or expertise will even be very useful, to help our work.  A job as a lawyer, auditor or journalist!  Or anything, including housewives.  One day we want to know whether our pile of letters on the table was moved or not;  whether our closet is opened by someone else secretly;  whether our children are lying or not, even prying into other people's information without that person knowing it.

     A person's detective skills, will increase with experience solving problems.  The technology is getting better and better, and anyone with a strong interest in detective matters is constantly looking for new techniques, new methods, better and faster.

     Detective skills, for example, include:

     - Memory skills, even at a glance.  This is useful, among other things, when we encounter hit-and-run cases, and the vehicle registration number becomes an important fact.  In addition, it is also accompanied by the ability to recall old memories;

     - Foresight and careful attention to details.  Sherlock Holmes is an 'expert' in detail and precision---with a note, if Holmes is a real person.  (But I believe Holmes is real!).  In every problem solving, Sherlock Holmes always makes observations---direct observations in the field.  Another example, in the case of the Mute Witness, Hercule Poirot was almost at a dead end in dealing with his case.  It was only after he reviewed it, and remembered the details, that he managed to find the killer.  For those who want to know what the details are, please read the book.  The keywords are dog and ball.  :p

     - The ability to interrogate.  The higher one's interrogation ability, the easier it will be to pry facts, false 'facts', or statements from someone---without that person knowing it.  This ability also goes hand in hand with the ability to use reverse proof techniques in interrogating someone.  "Be good at provoking questions with the wrong facts, then he will give the real facts."  It doesn't always work, but you can try.

     - Ability to negotiate.  This is still related to the ability to interrogate.  The ability to negotiate is very important, in practice in the field, where it takes courage to break through someone's ice, face stubborn people, and so on.

     - Knowledge of the applicable laws and regulations.

     - Analytical ability.  This is important to test the truth of facts---either material facts or verbal facts.  Good detectives never depart from the point of motive;  always have to be from the facts.  Sherlock Holmes teaches us how the scientific method (the scientific method, the method of elimination or exclusion, narrows the search, and makes it easier to solve problems. It is confusing, whether Holmes is a 'scientist who strays into a detective', or a 'detective with a scientist side'? In one story,  Holmes wrote an article about plants or medicine in a journal. With a very logical mind, Holmes could be called a mathematician. With his experiments in the laboratory, Holmes could also be called a physicist or chemist. There are inventions that are used by the Scotland Yard police.

     Elimination or exclusion method, meaning by getting rid of things that are definitely impossible---after being tested with facts and observations.  Hercule Poiro teaches us how to solve problems by the method of deductive inference.  To improve analytical skills, there is a lot to learn---not just methods of deduction, induction, or a combination of the two.  There is also an analytical method introduced by Rene Descartes, known as Cartesian Analysis, and so on.  You can learn it from the internet or existing books.

     - Other important skills, including disguise techniques, following/following someone, tracking/tracking techniques, as well as simple forensic knowledge in criminal cases.  Examples of simple forensic knowledge;  someone who is found dead with a blue neck, is confirmed to have died from suffocation.

     If I have time, I will try to post some parts of this introduction.  May be useful.  [agus_amsa]

     posted by Agus Amsa @ 9:53 PM    4 comments

     Trying to be a Detective?

     Interactive Detective Games (1)

     What's so great about the detective profession?  This profession---both part-time and full-time---is not like office work, which is always neat, tidy, regulated by hours from 08.30 to 15.00.  Detectives also don't appear on television as often as politicians, or lawyers.  This job actually relies a lot on secret work, without publication, sometimes in disguise so as not to attract attention, and even working almost 24 hours per day.  It was exhausting, physically and psychologically.

     The detective profession is not a promising profession in terms of material.  What's more, the risks involved are not light: the stakes can be lives!  What's interesting about detectives, is the challenge!  We discover new things, track clues, test clues, solve problems, and the pride of a detective is when he pays off the fatigue by solving a case.  Although, often wracked with frustration.

     However, if your interest in trying this profession is out of control, there's nothing wrong with trying to test your intelligence through virtual games.  Play detective on the internet site.


     1. Don't forget, prepare paper and pencil to record important data, such as numbers, names, and so on.  A detective will always be careful with various things, including small things, details, and so on.  For example, you find a certain number.

     2. Use imagination to decipher the meaning of the numbers or codes found.  Maybe phone numbers, car numbers, iron locker numbers, and so on.

     3. Use the standard detective systematic pattern, in solving problems.

     a) Know the problem,
     b) Crime scene observation,
     c) Collect and study evidence,
     d) Interrogation of existing witnesses & suspects, to find facts,
     e) Selection of fake/fake information,
     f) Analysis of the data that has been found, in order to find the motive, mode, and the real perpetrator.

     Here are some sites that challenge your deduction skills, solve mysteries.

     1. Stickman
     You take on the role of a detective in the cartoon town of Stickville.  As a young detective, you are presented with several cases.  Make observations at the crime scene, interrogate witnesses, collect evidence and study, and find the perpetrators of the murder.  The images are cartoonish, so they're not terrible.  Stories are presented in simple English.  No need to log in.

     2. CHIN
     You are Detective Janet Marlow accompanied by Detective John Wilson.  His job is to solve a murder case in a house in Canada.  The look of the website is clean.  Quite challenging, although for the first to enter, it is a bit complicated.  No need to log in.

     3. Who Killed the Very Reverend Toby Spoon?
     To play interactively with graphics, your computer needs the Macromedia Shockwave plugin.  However, if there is no plugin, and you are lazy to download or install, this game can be played in text-mode.  However, in text-mode there is no interactive impression.  Your job is to analyze and pass a guilty verdict on the suspects!

     This site is pretty good.  The interface uses VRML, and you'll need to download a plugin, such as CosmoPlayer, Cortona, Octaga, or Flux.  On this site there is already a link, to download Cosmo Player.  You can also download Cosmo Player, free from  Once installed, you can play the interactive games on the site:

     You can also download detective games here:

     1. Sleuth (Text-mode)
     Simple appearance, similar to the old ATARI games.  Do not forget to bring a dictionary, and write down everything that is considered important.  So as not to get lost.  The speed of solving cases, often saves someone who is in danger of becoming the next victim.

     2. Super Sleuth
     As usual, you are tasked with solving a murder case.  Visit the location, collect evidence, interrogate suspects, find facts, and beware of misleading information.  Match evidence and facts, and be careful before pinpointing the culprit!


     posted by Agus Amsa @ 11:33 AM 3 comments

     Get to know the Detective

     The World's First Detective
     Allan Pinkerton

     Allan Pinkerton (1819 – 1884) was listed in the world as a private detective
     first in the world.  Of course, he is a real character, not a fictional character
     like Sherlock Holmes.  Allan Pinkerton previously immigrated from
     Glaslow, Scotland, to Chicago.

     In Chicago, Pinkerton managed to help police track and arrest
     a criminal group.  He was later appointed deputy sheriff,
     in Kane County, Illinois and subsequently in Cook County, in the state
     the same part.

     After that he resigned from membership in the police, and
     founded the Pinkerton Detective Agency, in 1852. Pinkerton used
     staring eye graphic logo.  Looks like he was inspired by
     the term private detective, which in English is called private
     eyes.  Detective Agent Pinkerton is known as The Pinks.  In
     an opportunity, Pinkerton said, he and his detective agency
     "never sleeps watching evil."

     In 1861, Pinkerton uncovered a plot to assassinate
     President Abraham Lincoln.  At President Lincoln's request, then
     Pinkerton then entered the ranks of the Presidential Guard (US .).
     Secret Service).  He then led the elite troops.

     At the US Secret Service, Pinkerton and his men managed to thwart
     the efforts of the Confederate forces who planned to liberate around 8000
     prisoners of war, at Southern Camp Douglas.


     Allan Pinkerton was born August 25, 1819, in a small flat in a
     poor village in Glaslow, Scotland.  His father is just a handyman
     cloth weaving.  Little Allan lost his father when he was eight years old.
     His mother was forced to work, and little Allan also had to leave
     school and help his mother with work.

     At the age of 23 he married Joan Carfrae, and later on, they
     both immigrated to America on a ship.  In this city, Allan
     Pinkerton worked as a private detective.  He helps the police a lot
     solved criminal cases, and in no time he became
     heroes in Chicago.

     At the age of 31 he founded his own detective agency.  Detective Bureau
     first in the United States.  Allan Pinkerton recruited some people
     which he considers honest.  One thing that Pinkerton was tough on
     the agent is: don't drink.  He has reasons for that:
     his men must remain sane, calm in nature, and always
     alert at all times.  That's why on his office door he wrote:
     We Never Sleep.

     He teaches how to carry out duties as a detective,
     disguise techniques, how to dress when disguised, and so on.
     His office was full of wigs and costumes.

     The name Allan Pinkerton is a frightening specter for perpetrators

     Together with his two children, namely William and Robert, Allan opened a branch
     detective offices in several cities.  In 1870, the Pinkerton detective agency
     Hunt down some criminal gangs.  Pinkerton then got into a feud
     with Jesse James's gang.  Over the years, the Jesse James gang
     outwit Pinkerton's hunt.

     In 1875, some Pinkerton agents threw iron torches aside
     Jesse James's parents' house, thinking James was in the house.
     The torch attack caused James' mother's right arm to burn.  Incident
     it ruined Pinkerton's image.  Jesse James also arranges revenge
     revenge.  He immediately went to Chicago, with one reason:
     kills his nemesis, Allan Pinkerton.

     For four months, Jesse James walked the streets of Chicago with
     gun ready for battle.  Inside, filled with a bullet that reads
     Pinkerton.  However, the game he was looking for could not be found.  After not
     discovering Pinkerton's whereabouts, Jesse James became frustrated and
     return to his house.

     Over the years, Allan Pinkerton was frequently hired by the company
     including banking, in order to overcome the problem of crime.  In
     work, Allan Pinkerton has lots of ideas to help him
     solve the problem.  Including, compiling criminal archives, which he
     name it: Naughty Boy Gallery.  It contains photos and archives from
     the crimes he deals with.  He shared his files with enforcers
     other laws, to catch criminals.  That filing system
     then used by the United States Federal Bureau of the FBI.

     Pinkerton was getting older, with his health problems.  He then
     retired, and rested at his Chicago retreat and
     wrote 18 books.  This legendary detective died July 1, 1884, in
     age 65 years.  His name is still remembered with honor, by the detectives at
     the whole world.  *** [end]

     posted by Agus Amsa @ 9:33 AM 1 comments

     Welcome to Indo Detective

     This blogger is dedicated to detective fans and enthusiasts in Indonesia.  Devoted to sharing information and experiences to develop individual skills in the field of detective analysis.

     Detective fans and enthusiasts often refer to himself as a Sherlockian (followers & admirers of Sherlock Holmes).  The Sherlockians, always appreciate and learn from the experiences of detectives around the world.

     Like Sherlock Holmes, or Hercule Poirot who tends to be quiet, the Sherlockians are mostly--but not always--are reserved and secretive.

     Just a reminder:

     1. Detectives, or detective enthusiasts, are not recommended and are never allowed to litigate, break the law or ignore the law, or take over law enforcement duties.

     2. Detectives or detective fans are actually challenged to be more aware of law enforcement, legal discipline, and develop the instinct of sharpness of reason and analysis of law violations;  by anyone, anytime and anywhere.  [agus_amsa]


     Starting with the increase in crime in the computer world, especially on the Internet, currently there are many levels of crime on the Internet, such as;  data theft on a site, theft of information from a computer, Dos, Deface sites, carding, pirated software, CC Cloning.

     We know that there are lots of cases in the computer world, and in general, we as ordinary people have difficulty proving that someone else has abused our system.  It is different with the police who are currently improving themselves to be able to uncover case after case in the cyber and computer world.

     Computer forensics, a new discipline in computer security, which deals with the finding of digital evidence after a computer security event has occurred.

     Computer forensics will analyze the investigation systematically and must find evidence in a digital system that can later be used and accepted in court, authentic, accurate, complete, convincing before a jury, and accepted in front of the community.

     This is done by the authorities to prove the crime of a crime.  So now he becomes a detective not only in the real world but also in the cyber world.  Let's imagine a hacker has managed to get into our system or change our data, whether it's copying, deleting, adding new data, etc., it's hard for us to prove because of the limitations of tools and tools.  With the computer forensics method, we can perform analysis like a crime scene.

     What are the tools needed to become a cyber detective?
     What is certain is that standard police equipment such as bulletproof vests, etc., but unlike ordinary police such as special forces or bomb disposal, this cyber detective or digital world forensics is equipped with other equipment such as certain hardware and software, and for sure they understand and master  Certain OS, eg Windows, Linux or other OS.

     In terms of hardware, it is equipped with a flashlight, laptop, digital camera and computer forensics toolkit.  Hardware here can be a special computer such as FREDM (Forensics Recovery of Evidence Device, Modular), FRED (Forensics Recovery of Evidence Device) FREDDIE (Forensics Recovery of Evidence Device Diminutive Interrogation Equipment).

     Other hardware tools such as;
     Large capacity hard drive (minimum 250 GB)
     · IDE ribbon cable
     · Boot Disk or data acquisition utility
     · Laptop IDE 40 pin adapter
     · IDE External disk write protector
     Anti-static plastic bag
     · Labels for evidence

     Software in particular;
     · Forensics Data such as: En case, Safe Back, Norton Ghost
     · Password Recovery Toolkit
     · Data generator after delete: WipeDrive and Secure Clean
     · Find digital data changes : DriveSpy
     · etc

     What should a forensics or detective do after the confiscation of evidence?
     The procedure is almost the same as usual for the police, but there are a few things to note, namely:
     Comes with a confiscation order and shows what will be confiscated
     · methods of storage, delivery and preservation of evidence must be guaranteed.
     confiscation is usually not only a computer but also other equipment that can store data and as a means of data communication, for example: fax machines, cellphones, printers, PDAs, DVD rec, digital cameras, photocopiers, etc.
     · We are not allowed to boot the PC or laptop, we have to create a restore image or raw data.
     · Never copy, write or even delete data on the suspect's disk, even if it includes unimportant files
     We must be able to examine and analyze the evidence
     · Record the findings, changes, and activities that we do
     · Do the experiment repeatedly and make sure the result is the same

     It was said in the steps after the confiscation that we cannot boot the machine, why and then how do we find out the contents of the hard drive?

     OK, I mean, why can't we boot from the victim's machine because when we boot from the hard drive, the suspect has created some kind of script that if we boot not in the way he did, the contents of the entire hard drive will be destroyed or erased.

     Or it could be that when booted, the file structure and OS system changes completely, because each OS tends to have its own characteristics.  So, so that we are safe and do not destroy the data on the machine's hard drive, we can do various ways, one of which has become the standard, namely by making a raw image copy of the suspect's hard drive, by removing the hard drive and attaching it to the IDE (ATA) port to computer forensics.  we.  In this process we have to be extra careful
     because we could accidentally delete the file, then we need a tool called IDE HARDWARE BASED BLOCK WRITE BLOCKER like from FireFly.

     To move the data without disturbing the suspect file, we can use Norton Ghost or Encase to copy the data so that we can learn more, basically Norton Ghost and Encase restore the data.

     Then if the hard disk cannot be removed from the suspect machine, we must create a boot disk from our disk, for example a DOS or Linux boot disk that is equipped with dd and rewrite facilities to copy data.
     Previously mentioned the steps in this forensic technique, is there a special technique in the investigation of this digital world?

     Yep, for sure, according to I.J.D.E (International Journal of Digital Evidence) an international body that handles digital evidence events, there are two outlines, namely:

     Evidence Gathering and Evidence Analysis
     Analysis of evidence aims to form existing clues, identify suspects, format data, develop evidence to reconstruct crimes committed and collect more data.

     The data obtained may point to a certain IP address, the names of existing files, system names, file types and their contents, installed software, motives, methods and other tools used can be disclosed.
     The format of the data must be our concern because there are many systems that are standard to non-standard, compressed, encrypted data is usually data of concern is data that has been deleted or intentionally hidden with certain encryption methods.

     In the usual case in the police force, the police must act based on concrete evidence, are there any special evidence characteristics in this digital and cyber world?  Just like general evidence in the digital or forensic world, there are several special characteristics, such as:

     · Admission (acceptable), by attaching evidence of documents or records during the examination
     Authentic, can describe specifics such as files and events which can be logging, audit logs, access lists, etc.
     Accurate, can prove the process of the system not only the contents of the data to the resulting output
     Complete, can tell completely and completely until the end
     · Convince before the court, can be presented or explained before the court clearly and accurately.

     Computer forensics is closely related to fact evidence and interpretation, facts are collected and documented, while interpretation is subjective, for that truth must be derived from experiments.

     Earlier, when we mentioned the problem of logs in the analysis and characterization stages in the forensic world, what should we pay attention to in analyzing a system log?  There are several log files that must be of concern to us as forensics experts and digital detectives, including:

     · Email
     · Temp Files
     · Recycle bin
     · Disk fragmentation file information
     · Recent link files
     · Spool printed files
     · Internet history (temp)
     · Registry
     Unused space on disk
     · Sectors on disk

     Read more:



     Taken from the English "Detect" which means to track or investigate.  A detective is someone who conducts an investigation and solves a problem (usually a criminal case) that has not been revealed, using a systematic and planned method based on the available evidence, and compiling it into a fact that can be accounted for.

     Generally there are two kinds of detectives that we know, namely

     police detective: an official police agent who is contacted by the police directly if there are difficult cases.

     private detective: a private agent who is contacted by a client and works commercially.

     In the general American police department, the rank of detective is not obtained by just a written test.  In London, the rank of police detective can only be obtained after completing the rank of inspector for two years before serving as CID (Criminal Investigation Department).

     In some police systems in Europe, most detectives are university graduates without having to become a police inspector.  Some argue, detectives should have more qualities and abilities than a police inspector, and complete different tasks and training.  However, a detective will not receive orders from the police continuously.  He must be able to cooperate with the local police though (although it is difficult)



     It is evident from most cases that they can always be solved by interrogating the suspects and their victims.  Therefore, detectives who have high interrogation skills will easily pry facts, false 'facts', or statements from someone without that person knowing it.  An interrogation technique that can be tried is "reverse proof".  Be good at provoking questions with the wrong facts, then he will give the real facts.

     In addition, detectives can get clues from other informants who don't even have anything to do with the incident. (Main example: gossip from neighbors)


     Investigation skills are what a detective needs most.  Observance of small things is needed in crime scene observations (which are usually carried out by local police), because small things such as the location of the television remote and the position of the hand grip on the knife will also affect the analysis.  (For readers who I think are mostly Detective Holic, surely know who Sherlock Holmes is! ^_^)

     Do not underestimate the ability of memory.  even with a glance or hearing at a glance, There are several things that we can take from the events (or things) that we experience, such as the license plate number of the vehicle (when there is a hit-and-run) or a statement someone said without realizing it.

     A little knowledge of forensics, and law is also acceptable.  Especially for dealing with criminal cases.


     The climax of the action of a detective.  This is important to test the truth of facts (either material facts or verbal facts).  Good detectives never depart from the point of motive;  always have to be from the facts.

     The method of elimination or exclusion, (eliminating things that are definitely impossible-after being tested with facts and observations) is used more often.  Hercule Poiro teaches us how to solve problems by the method of deductive inference.  To improve analytical skills, there is a lot to learn—not just methods of deduction, induction, or a combination of the two.  There is also an analytical method introduced by Rene Descartes, known as Cartesian Analysis, and so on.  You can learn it from the internet or existing books.

     *Game Racing In Melody*

     By: Admin MrC

     This is a game about music.  How to play:

     1. Admin will provide the lyrics of a song.  Can be a song from abroad or within the country

     2. Members will answer the title and singer of the given lyrics.

     3. Before answering, it is mandatory above the comment to write the bell word "Teeettt"

     *Game Fill in The Blank*

     By: Admin MrC

     This is a game to fill in the blank letters of a requested word.

     Example: _ _ C _ N _ Clue: animal

     Members will fill in the blank letters according to the clue and have to find out what the admin means.

     So the answer to the example above is a cat because it fits what was asked for

     *Quis Who Are You*

     By: Admin MrC

     This is a game that is made different from the Game who am I or who am i.

     The difference is in terms of questions and answers.

     Because it is made as casual as possible.

     Example: You are walking around the house, but not moving.  Who are you?

     Well, every member when they want to answer must say "I am" then the answer is

     *If I'm a killer*

     By: Admin MrC

     It's like a chronological case.  We mention how to kill someone given the given crime scene circumstances.

     There are many ways to kill.  But the best tricks and those that require strong analysis will be the winners.

     *Kaito KID Theft Case*

     The best case version of the story By: MrC

     This is a case that is punctuated by a funny or dry story.  But in the story there will be a case of theft by Kaito Kid.

     Each member must solve the puzzle given by Kaito Kid if they want to get the item that was stolen by Kaito Kid.

     Magic Numbers

     Sum based on Rows both vertical and Horizontal example:

     3 4 5 6 7 +

     1 4 2 3 1 +

     1 2 1 2 1 +

     1 2 3 1 2 +

     2 1 2 1 2 *

     + - * - :

     Clue : Vertical / Perpendicular = + - * - :

     The number of the first vertical row is

     3 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 2 = 8

     Puzzle of lyrics.

     This is a scrambled lyric compiling game.


     1. Arrange the words into correct sentences.

     2. Arrange sentences to become a correct lyric.

     3. Mention the title and singer..


     1. Always-want-to-you-me

     2. Laugh-while-all-above-


     3. Want-you-remember-me


     4. My-sad-cry-me.



     1. I want you to always be there

     2. When I laugh above all

     3. I want you to remember

     4. When I weep for my sorrow.

     (2) must answer like this..

     2. when I laugh above all

     4. When I cry my sadness kesedihan

     1. I want you to always be there

     3. I want you to remember.

     (3) D'masiv-missing you.

     Twin tails..

     How to play, members string words whose tails must be the same..


     The snake circled above the fence at Mr. umAR's house.  ..


     By Rind

     if-then (pattern) is a game where the clue is given exactly as "If" and the question given is called "then", here the answerer is required to analyze the pattern shown by the clue, the pattern in the clue is the key to the answer!

     When the answerer succeeds in finding the pattern, he will be able to answer the question, and the answerer must include the pattern when answering,

     How to play:

     *Clue Analysis

     *Define pattern

     *answer the questions according to the pattern on the clue

     *Include pattern


     By : Rind

     This game is a game that includes a conversational story, where the perpetrator is taken from the previous answering nick, starting with the admin nick, so the good thing is that this game is played more than 2 times,

     how to play:

     *Story analysis

     *Answer questions with:

     TRUE if the question matches the story

     FALSE if the question does not match the story

     *Include the truth whether the answer is true or false


     By : Rind

     CaseSolution is a game to solve cases by providing solutions that match the events so that the case is solved.

     How to play:

     *Case analysis

     *Give the best solid solution so that the case can be solved

     How to Play Rasuka

     Rasuka is a syllable chain game.  where syllables are combined with other syllables

     Example of Rasuka Game:

     people who come to our house, face, talk, dance, happy or happy, stubborn.



     How to Play Case Chronology

     Chronology Case is a game that requires imagination to play, players of this game will feel how to become a detective who has to analyze murder cases and how to kill them.

     Example Game Chronology Case

     Miu was found dead with a body full of nails

     Room Condition: some nails, gloves, long rope, nails stuck to the wall, nail gun.

     What is the chronology of events???  use the imagination of a detective

     NB: The state of the room is the Clue of this game

     How to Play Figures
     Angkagram is a number game that is combined and made a lot.  This game confuses players with a lot of numbers

     Example of a Grammar Game


     What is the amount:

     a.  Number 1
     b.  Number 2
     c.  Number 3
     d.  Number 4
     e.  Number 5
     f.  Number 6
     g.  Number 7
     h.  Number 8
     i.  Number 9
     j.  Number 0
     k.  Sum of all numbers ?

     How to Play Soul Nation

     Soul Nation is a game that aims to invite players to love Indonesia

     This game has several versions, and is usually used in the form of Magic Words

     Sample game Soul Nation Version Magic Words

     *SoulNation AD-RI.


     #below are the names of Indonesian plant species.

     Read upside down..
     Ex;  IR-DA=AD-RI


     How to play Magic Words

     Magic words is a game where all words are written without using spaces or without using punctuation.  Players who play this are confused by the number of letters that exist.



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